Saturday AM
Saturday AM

Saturday mornings from 9am

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Roast pumpkin, spinach, cheddar, sundried tomato and chorizo scrolls

Sat, 31 October 2015

Roast pumpkin, spinach, cheddar, sundried tomato and chorizo scrolls


500g strong white flour

1 heaped teaspoon of salt

10g fresh yeast (5g of dried yeast)

315ml water

50ml olive oil or rapeseed oil

1 tsp of chopped fresh thyme

1 tsp of chopped fresh rosemary


For the filling:

50g spinach leaves

50g grated cheddar

½ small pumpkin roughly diced and roasted

100g chorizo

50g sun dried tomatoes



1. Mix the flour, salt and fresh herbs in a bowl and make a well in the centre. Crumble the yeast into the water so that it dissolves. Add the water and olive oil to the flour.

2. Combine all the ingredients for the enriched white dough in a clean mixing bowl to form a rough dough. Turn out the dough onto a clean work surface and knead until the window pane effect is achieved. Aprroximatly 10 minutes. If the dough is a little soft and sticky resist the tempation to add extra flour. Be persistent the dough will come together.

3. Place the dough in a clean bowl and cover with cling film and allow to prove for approximately 60 minutes

As the dough is proving Peel and dice the pumpkin into even sized chunks. Mix with 2 tablespoons of olive oil, season with sea salt and 2 teaspoons of cumin seeds. Roast at 180C until soft. About 15 minutes.

4. Transfer the dough to a lightly floured work surface. Knock back the dough. With a rolling pin roll the dough out till rectangle in shape and  about 1 cm thickness.

5. Cover the surface of the dough generously with the spinach leaves. Cover the spinach with grated cheddar followed by the roasted pumpkin, sun dried tomatoes and chorizo. Roll the dough tightly to form a cylinder shape. With a little water mist the seam to ensure it sticks.

6. Using a knife cut the dough into 12 portions, a little over an inch thick. Place onto a baking tray lined with parchment. cover with a damp cloth. Allow to prove for 30-45minutes.

7. Preheat the oven to 220c. Before baking brush each pinwheel with egg wash. Bake for 16 minutes, transfer to a wire rack to cool.