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3. Basingstoke (1)

The Instant Gardener

Garden transformation show. The team help Tania, a mother of five in Basingstoke, to declutter her disorganised garden and turn it into a child-safe, enchanting space.

Friday, 16th Feb 11.25am


3. Basingstoke (1)

Garden transformation show. The team help Tania, a mother of five in Basingstoke, to declutter her disorganised garden and turn it into a child-safe,... 45mins

Friday, 16th Feb 11.25am

4. Earls Barton, Northamptonshire

A couple from Northamptonshire need a low-allergen garden so their son can play outside and remain well. 45mins

Monday, 19th Feb 11.20am

5. Bradford

Clever design and imaginative ideas are used to bring a garden back to life; the team arrives in Bradford to fix an overgrown garden that has been lost in... 45mins

Tuesday, 20th Feb 11.15am

6. Manchester

The team takes an ordinary back garden in Manchester and uses a time travel theme to create the perfect place for a Doctor Who fan to enjoy their free time. 45mins

Wednesday, 21st Feb 11.20am

Ep 7 Tooting

The team of gardeners head over to Tooting in south London in order to transform a dull garden into a space that can be used for outdoor entertainment. 45mins

Thursday, 22nd Feb 11.20am